Google Trying To Develop AI Based Messaging System

A couple of news items from Google today: First, the company is reportedly working on a new kind of artificial intelligence-based messaging service, in an attempt to compete with Facebook’s WhatsApp and Messenger, according to the Wall Street Journal. The report said that Google plans to integrate chatbots, which answer user queries from within a messaging app after searching the Web for information. The idea is to provide the answer from within the context of a conversation without having to exit that conversation at any point.

“All users care about is a convenient way to find what they are looking for and if Google isn’t in front of the consumer that is a problem for them,” said Scott Stanford, co-founder of venture-capital firm Sherpa Capital, in the article. “Messaging is a subset of the Internet where Google is not strong. They have to win and be the dominant player in messaging.”

Google has tried and failed to reinvent messaging, email, and social networking several times in the past decade, including Google+, Google Wave, Google Buzz, Google Messenger, and Google Hangouts. Google has been struggling to capture users that have moved on to other services like the aforementioned Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, particularly in other countries besides the US.

Back in January 2014, Google procured the British man made brainpower organization DeepMind for a reported $400 million, in the wake of employing futurist and innovator Ray Kurzweil and securing eight mechanical autonomy firms in the year earlier. Deep Mind plans to help looks into mine huge information with an end goal to support disclosures in medication, genomics, and the sky is the limit from there. What’s more, in November of this current year, Google uncovered TensorFlow, an open-source machine learning stage that could support its sending of simulated neural systems. At the time, Google called Tensorflow the organization’s “second era” machine learning stage, successor to the more seasoned DistBelief stage that has prompted a number of the organization’s ebb and flow AI-mixed items.

In the mean time, a different Android Police report said Google has affirmed it’s trying another approach to sign into your record from various gadgets just by utilizing your telephone, without providing a watchword or utilize two-stage validation:

“We’ve invited a small group of users to help test a new way to sign in to their Google accounts, no password required. ‘Pizza’, ‘password’ and ‘123456’—your days are numbered.”

That report originated from a Reddit client who guaranteed to be trying the new component on his Nexus 6P.

There’s no word when Google arrangements to divulge its new informing benefit or reveal the telephone based login highlight to more clients.
